Why Do Corgis Bark So Much? And How to Stop It!

Welcome to our comprehensive guide, where we delve into understanding why Corgis bark so much and how to manage it. If you are a Corgi owner or considering getting a Corgi, you may have wondered about their vocal nature.

Corgis, though small and incredibly cute, are known for their distinctive and frequent barking, which can sometimes be a concern for pet parents.

In this blog, we will explore the reasons behind their barking, provide strategies for dealing with it, and answer some of the most frequently asked questions about this breed’s vocal habits. Stay with us as we unravel the mystery behind the Corgis’ expressive and sometimes excessive barking.

Key Takeaways:

  • Corgis bark a lot due to a variety of factors, including their breed’s herding instincts, communication needs, or emotional states such as excitement or anxiety.
  • Understanding the reasons for their barking can help owners take effective steps to manage it.
  • Training and socialization from an early age can significantly reduce unnecessary barking in Corgis.
  • If a Corgi’s barking seems excessive or is associated with health concerns, a consultation with a vet or a dog behaviorist is recommended.

Short Answer:

Corgis, both Pembroke Welsh and Cardigan Welsh, are known for their tendency to bark more than some other breeds. This is primarily due to their herding background where barking was an integral part of their job. However, their barking can also be a response to various stimuli, emotional states, or a way to get attention. There are several strategies to manage their barking, including consistent training, providing adequate mental and physical stimulation, and reinforcing quiet behavior. It’s also important to note that while you can manage and reduce excessive barking, you cannot entirely eliminate barking in a Corgi as it’s a part of their natural behavior.

Understanding Corgi’s Barking: Do Pembroke Welsh Corgis Bark a Lot?

Pembroke Welsh Corgis are known to be quite vocal, and yes, they do bark a lot. This is not a flaw in their character but an inherent trait tied to their history and role as herding dogs. They used their bark as a means to direct and control livestock, and it served as an effective tool in getting the attention of larger animals.

This tendency to bark has carried over to modern-day Corgis, even when they’re not being used for herding. However, their barking is not limited to their herding instincts.

Pembroke Welsh Corgis also use their bark to communicate a wide range of emotions and needs. They may bark when they are excited, anxious, bored, or seeking attention.

It’s also worth noting that each Corgi is an individual, and while the breed may be known for being vocal, it doesn’t mean that every Pembroke Welsh Corgi will be excessively noisy. Many factors, including genetics, environment, training, and socialization, can influence a Corgi’s tendency to bark.

Understanding the reasons behind your Corgi’s barking is the first step towards managing it effectively. It’s important to listen to what your Corgi is trying to communicate through their barking and to address their needs appropriately.

Always remember that while it’s possible to reduce excessive barking, you cannot and should not aim to stop your Corgi from barking entirely. After all, barking is a normal and natural part of dog behavior.

Gender Differences in Barking: Male Corgi Barking

When it comes to male Corgi barking, it’s essential to note that gender may influence barking habits, but it’s certainly not the only factor. Generally, there isn’t a significant difference in the barking behavior between male and female Corgis.

However, some owners might notice that their male Corgis are slightly more prone to barking, especially when they are in the presence of other dogs or when asserting their territory. This could be attributed to their testosterone-driven behaviors.

That said, every Corgi is unique, and individual behaviors can vary widely even within the same gender. Factors such as the dog’s personality, upbringing, training, and environment all contribute to how much they bark. A well-socialized and trained male Corgi that has been neutered may bark less than an untrained, unsocialized female Corgi.

One interesting point to note is that the pitch and volume of the bark can also differ between male and female Corgis. Males often have a deeper and louder bark, which might be perceived as barking more simply because their barks are more noticeable.

As always, understanding your dog and responding to their needs effectively is the best approach to managing their barking behavior. If your male Corgi is barking excessively, it’s worth investigating the root cause and addressing it accordingly, whether it’s due to territorial instincts, boredom, or anxiety.

The Sound of Their Bark: Corgi Bark Sound

One thing that often surprises new Corgi owners is the distinct sound of a Corgi’s bark. Despite their relatively small stature, Corgis have a robust and commanding bark that often seems out of proportion to their size.

This powerful bark originates from their history as herding dogs, where a loud and authoritative bark was required to control larger livestock like cattle and sheep.

Corgi’s bark is typically loud, sharp, and persistent. It’s often described as ‘yappy’, but it is more of a deep, throaty bark that cuts through the noise and grabs attention. This quality makes it quite distinguishable and at times, harder to ignore.

They’re not afraid to use their voice to communicate their needs or alert their family to potential threats.

The pitch, frequency, and intensity of the bark can vary depending on what the Corgi is trying to convey. For instance, a Corgi’s alarm bark at the sight of a stranger will be different from the excited bark when they see their favorite toy or the playful bark during a game.

Recognizing these differences can be key to understanding what your Corgi is trying to tell you with their barking.

However, it’s important to remember that while their distinctive bark is part of a Corgi’s charm, excessive barking can become a problem if not managed properly. Understanding why and when your Corgi barks, and using appropriate training techniques can ensure their vocal expressions remain within acceptable limits.

When Corgis Bark at Everything: Understanding Their Reaction

Having a Corgi that barks at everything can seem overwhelming at first. Corgis are naturally alert and have a strong instinct to protect their family and territory. Combine this with their keen senses and you have a dog breed that reacts vocally to a multitude of stimuli, from a ringing doorbell to the sound of cars passing by.

Corgis are often quick to bark at unfamiliar sights, sounds, and smells. It’s their way of alerting their human companions about something unusual. They are vigilant dogs who take their roles as ‘household sentinels’ very seriously.

A Corgi might bark at a passing cyclist, the neighborhood cat on the fence, or even the TV if they see or hear something that arouses their interest or concern.

This constant alertness is part of their herding heritage. In their original role as farm dogs, their job was to keep a close eye on the herd and alert the farmer to any potential threats. This natural instinct has carried over to their role as domestic pets.

However, it’s essential to note that while this behavior is normal for the breed, it doesn’t mean it can’t be managed. Training and socialization from a young age can help your Corgi understand what is a real threat and what is normal in their environment.

This can help reduce the frequency of unnecessary barking and ensure a more peaceful household.

Attention-Seeking Behavior: Corgi Barking for Attention

Ah, the infamous Corgi barking for attention. It’s not uncommon for this small but energetic breed to resort to barking to get the attention they crave. Corgis are highly social dogs, and they love spending time with their human companions.

When they feel left out or ignored, they won’t hesitate to use their vocal cords to demand your attention.

The frequency of this behavior can vary depending on your Corgi’s personality, training, and socialization. Some Corgis may be more laid back and content to lie quietly at your feet. Others may be more demanding, insisting on being the center of your world all the time.

When your Corgi starts barking for attention, it’s essential not to reward this behavior by responding to it. If you give them what they want when they bark – be it a treat, a pet, or just your attention – you’re essentially telling them that barking gets them what they want.

Instead, try ignoring your Corgi when they start their attention-seeking barking. Only give them attention when they’re quiet. This way, they’ll associate being quiet with getting rewards, not barking.

Also, make sure your Corgi has enough mental and physical stimulation throughout the day to keep them content and less likely to resort to attention-seeking behaviors.

Remember, each dog is an individual, and what works for one may not work for another. A professional dog trainer or behaviorist can provide you with personalized strategies based on your specific situation.

Identifying the Different Types of Corgi Barks

If you’ve spent enough time around Corgis, you’ll quickly realize that not all Corgi barks are created equal. Barking can mean a multitude of things, from excitement and playfulness to fear, hunger, or loneliness.

Recognizing the different types of Corgi barks is the first step to understanding why your Corgi barks so much and how you can effectively address the issue.

Here are some typical types of Corgi barks and what they might mean:

  1. The Alert Bark: This type of bark is typically sharp and repetitive, indicating your Corgi has noticed something interesting or alarming in their environment. Given their herding background, it’s not surprising Corgis have a strong sense of alertness.
  2. The Excitement Bark: This is often high-pitched and fast. Your Corgi may resort to this type of barking during play or when they’re particularly excited about something, like your arrival home.
  3. The Demand Bark: This type of bark can be persistent and hard to ignore. It’s often a sign your Corgi wants something from you, whether it’s attention, food, or a walk.
  4. The Distress Bark: This is a prolonged, repetitive bark that often indicates your Corgi is in distress. They might be anxious, fearful, or even in pain.
  5. The Boredom Bark: A monotonous, repetitive bark often indicates your Corgi is bored and in need of some mental or physical stimulation.

Understanding these different barks can provide insight into your Corgi’s needs, feelings, and behavior, helping you respond appropriately and potentially reduce unnecessary barking.

It’s always important to remember that each Corgi is unique, and their barking could mean something slightly different than the general interpretations mentioned above.

Common Triggers of Corgi’s Barking

Corgis are known for their enthusiastic personalities and sharp minds, traits that can sometimes lead them to be a bit vocal. Understanding what triggers your Corgi’s barking is a crucial step in managing this behavior. Let’s discuss some common triggers that could prompt your Corgi to raise their voice:

  1. Strangers or Other Animals: As herding dogs, Corgis are instinctively alert and protective. They may bark when they see a stranger, another dog, or even a squirrel running across their path.
  2. Loud Noises: Sudden, loud noises like thunder, fireworks, or the sound of a vacuum cleaner can startle your Corgi and cause them to bark.
  3. Boredom: Corgis are intelligent and active dogs that need plenty of mental and physical stimulation. If they’re left alone for long periods or aren’t getting enough exercise, they may resort to barking out of boredom.
  4. Separation Anxiety: Like many breeds, Corgis can develop separation anxiety. This can lead to excessive barking, especially when they’re left alone.
  5. Hunger or Thirst: Your Corgi might be trying to tell you that they’re hungry or thirsty. Always ensure your dog has access to fresh water and is fed regularly.
  6. Fear or Anxiety: Sometimes, Corgis bark when they’re scared or anxious. This could be due to a variety of factors, from new environments to unfamiliar people or other pets.
  7. Wanting Attention: Some Corgis bark simply because they want your attention. This could be their way of telling you they want to play or want some cuddle time.

By understanding these triggers, you can take steps to minimize them, which could help reduce your Corgi’s excessive barking. In the next sections, we’ll discuss some practical solutions to help manage your Corgi’s barking.

Health-Related Barking in Corgis

Corgis, like other dog breeds, may sometimes resort to barking as a form of communication about their physical discomfort or health concerns. Although the vocal nature of Corgis can make it challenging to distinguish between habitual and health-related barking, there are a few signs to watch out for.

  1. Pain or Discomfort: If your Corgi seems to bark more than usual and is displaying other signs of discomfort, such as limping, changes in eating habits, or unusual lethargy, it could be a sign that they’re in pain. A sudden increase in barking could be their way of telling you they’re not feeling well.
  2. Sensory Decline: In older Corgis, excessive barking can sometimes be a sign of sensory decline. As dogs age, their vision or hearing may start to fade, which can lead to anxiety and increased barking.
  3. Dental Issues: Dental issues can cause discomfort and lead to increased barking. Regularly check your Corgi’s mouth for signs of dental disease, like bad breath, swollen gums, or difficulty eating.
  4. Underlying Illness: Sometimes, excessive barking can be a symptom of an underlying illness. Health issues like thyroid problems, neurological disorders, or urinary tract infections can cause discomfort and change your Corgi’s behavior.

If you notice a significant change in your Corgi’s barking behavior, especially if it’s accompanied by other signs of illness or discomfort, it’s essential to consult with a veterinarian. They can conduct a thorough examination to determine if there’s a health-related reason for the increased barking.

Remember, never attempt to diagnose or treat a potential health issue without professional advice.

The Role of Training in Controlling Corgi’s Barking

Training plays a pivotal role in managing your Corgi’s barking behavior. While barking is a natural behavior for these intelligent and vocal dogs, it’s possible to train them to bark less and at appropriate times.

  1. Start Early: It’s easier to train puppies to manage their barking behavior, but older dogs can also learn new behaviors with patience and consistency. Introduce training exercises early in your Corgi’s life to help them understand when it’s appropriate to bark.
  2. Reward Silence: One effective method of controlling barking is to reward your Corgi for being silent. When they stop barking on command, reward them with a treat or praise. This positive reinforcement helps them associate silence with rewards.
  3. Distraction Techniques: If your Corgi starts barking at something, distracting them with a toy or command can help stop the barking. Once they’ve stopped barking, reward them to reinforce the behavior.
  4. Professional Training: If you’re struggling to manage your Corgi’s barking, consider reaching out to a professional dog trainer. They can provide you with customized training techniques and strategies based on your Corgi’s personality and behavior.

Remember, training a dog takes time, and progress may be slow. Be patient and consistent with your training, and avoid techniques that involve punishment, as they can often lead to more harm than good.

Moreover, always ensure that your Corgi’s basic needs—like exercise, food, and social interaction—are being met, as these can also impact their barking behavior.

Potential Solutions to Excessive Barking in Corgis

While understanding the root cause of your Corgi’s excessive barking is crucial, implementing potential solutions is equally important. Here are a few strategies to help manage your Corgi’s barking behavior:

  1. Exercise: A well-exercised Corgi is a quieter Corgi. Ensuring your Corgi gets plenty of physical exercise can help reduce their tendency to bark out of boredom or pent-up energy. Try taking them for a walk or play a game of fetch in the yard.
  2. Mental Stimulation: Corgis are intelligent dogs and need mental stimulation to prevent them from getting bored. Incorporate puzzles, interactive toys, or training exercises into their routine to keep them mentally engaged.
  3. Socialization: Exposing your Corgi to a variety of environments, people, and other animals can help reduce barking triggered by unfamiliarity or fear.
  4. Training Tools: There are numerous tools available to aid in training, such as bark collars, which can gently vibrate or make a noise to distract your Corgi when they start barking. These should be used as a last resort and under the guidance of a professional to avoid any negative impacts on your Corgi’s wellbeing.
  5. Consult a Professional: If you’re struggling with excessive barking, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional. Animal behaviorists and professional dog trainers have the knowledge and experience to address barking problems effectively.

Remember, every dog is unique and what works for one Corgi might not work for another. It’s crucial to be patient, consistent, and flexible in your approach. Over time, with the right strategies, you can help your Corgi manage their barking behavior effectively.

Myths and Misconceptions About Corgi’s Barking

As Corgi owners or enthusiasts, we may encounter various myths and misconceptions about their barking behavior. Here, we aim to debunk a few common ones:

  1. All Corgis are Yappy: Not all Corgis are yappy. While they’re known to be a vocal breed, individual Corgi personalities can differ significantly. Some may bark more than others due to various factors such as their environment, training, and individual temperament.
  2. Corgis are Bossy: Corgis are often labeled as bossy due to their herding background. While they can be assertive and determined, labeling them as bossy can overlook their intelligence, eagerness to please, and ability to learn and adapt.
  3. Corgis Bark Because They’re Aggressive: This is a common misconception about many dog breeds. Barking doesn’t necessarily denote aggression. Corgis, like other dogs, may bark for numerous reasons like alerting their owners to potential threats, expressing excitement or fear, or simply because they’re bored.
  4. Barking Can’t Be Controlled: With consistent training and understanding of the underlying causes, excessive barking in Corgis can indeed be controlled. While it may take time and patience, improvement is typically achievable.
  5. Corgis are Too Stubborn to Train: It’s true that Corgis are known for their stubborn streak. However, they’re also highly intelligent and trainable. With the right motivation, consistency, and positive reinforcement techniques, Corgis can learn to control their barking.

By understanding the truths behind these misconceptions, we can approach our Corgis’ barking behavior with more empathy and effectiveness. Remember, understanding is the first step toward positive change.

Barking Impact on Corgis’ Lifestyle and Lifespan

The extent of a Corgi’s barking can significantly affect both its lifestyle and lifespan. However, it is crucial to understand that these impacts depend on the reasons behind the barking and how they are managed.

  1. Stress and Anxiety: If a Corgi barks excessively due to stress or anxiety, it could lead to a decrease in overall quality of life. Chronic stress can have physical manifestations, potentially leading to a variety of health issues such as a weakened immune system, digestive problems, and behavioral issues.
  2. Communication and Bonding: On the positive side, barking is a natural form of communication for dogs. When owners respond appropriately to their Corgi’s barks, it can strengthen the bond between them. This enhanced bond can contribute to a happier, more fulfilling life for a Corgi.
  3. Exercise and Mental Stimulation: Barking can be a sign that a Corgi is not receiving enough exercise or mental stimulation. If this is addressed, it can result in a healthier and more balanced lifestyle for the Corgi, potentially contributing to an increased lifespan.
  4. Health Concerns: If a Corgi’s barking is due to a health concern, it could potentially impact its lifespan. It is vital to seek veterinary care promptly if there are signs that the barking may be health-related.
  5. Training and Behavior: Excessive barking can sometimes lead to strained relationships between a Corgi and its owner or other family members. It might also result in conflicts with neighbors in close living situations. Effective training to manage barking can lead to a more peaceful household and neighborhood, positively impacting Corgi’s lifestyle.

Remember, the key to dealing with excessive barking is first understanding the cause and then seeking appropriate solutions. When handled effectively, barking doesn’t have to negatively impact a Corgi’s lifestyle or lifespan.


FAQs on Why Corgis Bark So Much

Why are corgis so yappy?

Corgis were bred as herding dogs, which involves a lot of vocal communication. This breed has retained its vocal nature, leading them to be often considered “yappy.” However, it’s essential to understand that every Corgi is an individual and their environment, upbringing, and overall health can influence their barking tendencies.

Do corgis have a barking problem?

Not all Corgis have a barking problem. Some may bark more than others due to their individual personality, upbringing, or environment. However, excessive barking can be an issue if it’s disruptive or indicative of an underlying issue such as anxiety or health problems.

Why are corgis so bossy?

Corgis have a reputation for being bossy because they were bred to herd livestock. This role requires a certain level of assertiveness and self-confidence. However, this “bossiness” should not be mistaken for aggression. With appropriate training and socialization, this trait can be managed effectively.

Are corgis yappy dogs?

As mentioned before, Corgis tend to be vocal due to their herding background. However, the level of “yappiness” can vary from dog to dog and can be influenced by various factors such as their environment, training, and overall health.

Are Corgis naturally barkers?

Yes, Corgis are naturally inclined to bark due to their herding background. However, this does not mean that they cannot be trained to bark less or only when necessary.

How can I get my Corgi to bark less?

Training is the best approach to manage your Corgi’s barking. This could involve teaching them commands like “quiet” or using positive reinforcement techniques. If the barking is due to a particular trigger, like boredom or anxiety, addressing the root cause can also help.

Are some Corgis more prone to barking than others?

Yes, some Corgis may be more prone to barking than others due to their individual personalities, upbringing, or health status. However, all Corgis have the potential to be trained to manage their barking effectively.

What should I do if my Corgi won’t stop barking even with training?

If your Corgi continues to bark excessively despite training, it could be a sign of an underlying issue such as a health problem or severe anxiety. It’s recommended to consult with a professional dog trainer or a vet to get to the root of the problem.

At what age does a Corgi start to bark a lot?

There’s no specific age when a Corgi may start to bark a lot. However, they may start to exhibit this behavior more as they mature and become more aware of their surroundings. Training should begin as soon as possible to help manage their barking behavior effectively.

Final Thoughts

Understanding why Corgis bark so much is the first step towards managing this behavior effectively. It’s crucial to recognize that while their herding background makes them more vocal, individual factors can amplify this trait.

Therefore, a comprehensive approach involving an understanding of your Corgi’s specific triggers, appropriate training techniques, and a patient, understanding attitude is critical.

Corgis are a lovable, charismatic, and energetic breed, and their barking is part of their communication with the world. By approaching this trait with knowledge and empathy, you can ensure a harmonious coexistence with your Corgi, cherishing their company while maintaining a peaceful home environment.

Always remember, if the barking becomes a concern or if your Corgi’s behavior changes suddenly, do not hesitate to seek professional help from a vet or a professional dog trainer. Your Corgi’s well-being is of paramount importance and contributes directly to their overall behavior, including barking.


  1. Do Corgis Bark a Lot? – PetHelpful.com
  2. Corgi Barking – StumpsAndRumps.com
  3. Do Corgis Bark a Lot? – PlushPawsProducts.com
  4. Corgi Won’t Stop Barking – HoundGames.com

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